There’s a great school for everyone. Let’s find yours.

Undergraduate Applications

We guide students through the application process from start to finish, staying in contact through in-person meetings, as well as Zoom, Google Meet, email, and telephone sessions as needed.

Orientation: Initial consultations include parent and student interviews and an overview of the entire application process.

Profile and Assessment: We do a student profile, which includes achievement analysis (transcript, standardized tests, extracurricular and community service), MBTI personality assessment and interest inventory. We identify the student’s strengths, interests, learning style, and possible career interests. At this stage we also discuss the criteria of a best college fit, taking into account programs of study, instructional style, academic rigor, location, and finances.

College List: Based on the initial meetings, we research colleges that are a good match for the student based on an array of criteria. We never build a school list for students based solely on rankings. Our knowledge of universities reaches far beyond standard published statistics; we know firsthand the “feel” and atmosphere of schools, their unique programs and opportunities, and the campus experience students can expect. Armed with a wealth of this information, we take a deep look at the student’s profile and try to find the best college match.

Timeline Planning: The last years of high school can be a stressful time. We help students plan the ideal schedule for taking standardized tests, visiting colleges, and strategizing courses that bring out the best in them.

Application Completion: Once the students have finalized their list of colleges, we guide them through the completion of the application process, including how to ask for memorable recommendation letters and how to create their “Brag sheet” to present their credentials, activities, and personal strengths in the most effective way.

Essay Guidance: The best student essays come from the heart and make them stand out to admissions officers. We help students find their stories and tell them in compelling ways, and often uncover unique strengths and characteristics the students didn’t even know they had. We also offer expert supportive feedback on drafts to ensure a clear, concise, and engaging essay. Among our essay tutors, we have former application readers and interviewers for some of the top schools. They know, from firsthand experience, how to weave the essay and other parts of the application together, so the whole application presents a comprehensive picture of the applicant.

Financial Aid: We carefully consider how families will pay for the college of their choice. We examine their EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) and each school’s NPC (Net Price Calculator) during the application stage; after receiving acceptances, we review and evaluate the offered financial packages in order to compare expected final costs. In addition, we have extensive knowledge of further merit scholarships that the student may pursue.

Sports Recruitment Assistance: We guide student athletes through the NCAA/NAIA recruitment process. We review guidelines for NCAA/NAIA eligibility, create an action plan for recruitment events for the sport, strategize ways to enhance the athlete’s prospects for recruitment, and facilitate communication with coaches.

Interview Preparation: We coach the student through common interview questions so their strongest answers come easily and naturally during interviews. We also hold mock interviews in person or over Skype so the student can be relaxed and prepared for the actual experience.

Choosing from Acceptances: We discuss the choices and evaluate scholarship and financial aid offers and other factors to help you make their final decision.

College Transition Assistance: Our service doesn’t end once students arrive on campus. Our ultimate goal is to see the students thrive in college, not only academically but also socially. A fulfilled college life lays a solid foundation for a future career. Sometimes students may need extra help to make a smooth college transition.

Graduate School Applications

The graduate application process differs substantially from the undergraduate application process. There is no common application for graduate school; each application requires that the student interact with the departments and professors closely. In our graduate school package, we cover the following:

Orientation and Timeline: In the initial consultation(s) we evaluate the students’ undergraduate credentials, discuss their education and career goals, review the application process, and chart a timeline for their plan of action.

Process Guidance: Parts of the graduate school application rely heavily on other people, since students must order transcripts, forward test scores, and request letters of recommendation from professors who know them well. We guide them through the process of managing the other people who affect the application. For example, recommendation letters are a critical part of their application, but not every professor is experienced in writing strong letters of support. We advise the students on how to get fantastic letters of recommendation from their professors, with the content admissions offices are hoping to see.

Personal Statement: The heart of the graduate application is the personal statement. Highly effective essays will impress the admission officers tremendously. As a result, the student is not treated as yet another applicant, but as a person they want to meet, get to know better, and recruit into their academic community. We coach the students through the writing process and help them craft the kind of essay that makes this kind of impact on the reader.

Mock Interviews: A mock interview allows the student to practice interviewing in a comfortable setting. Our feedback is both supportive and focused: we help the students develop effective, tailored responses for commonly asked questions so they can feel comfortable and confident during the actual interview.